Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Christmas Tree & Snow Cones

Kyler made me feel like a horrible mother last year during Christmas because we didn't have a Christmas tree. He would go into other people's houses and he would say, "We don't have one of those at our house." That was a shot strait to the heart! I still feel bad. However, we didn't have room in our tiny apartment, we weren't going to be here for Christmas, and we didn't even have a tree.  I knew we had to do a tree this year.  A friend of ours gave us a tree, we went to the dollar store to get decorations, and couldn't wait til Daddy got home.  They were all excited and ready to go!

The next day we got free snow cones and the boys thought they were in Heaven.  Kyler had to get a green snow cone, and Damon had to get a blue one.  The boys have been a little obsessed with their favorite cartoon Wild Kratts and have been making me call them Chris (aka Kyler) and Martin (aka Damon).  Chris has a green outfit, and Martin has a blue one.  They only want to wear clothes that are either green or blue and plates, cups, toothbrushes, etc. has to be their color.  It is getting pretty intense!  They even called Oma to ask her to make them Wild Kratt costumes.  They were extra excited to get snow cones in their colors!

Everyone got involved this time.
I agree with Kenney when he said, "I'm so glad they make these ornaments plastic now."
I am so glad we got a tree out this year.
Look at Damon's smile!
The boys are starting to take pictures with the camera now, and they pose for one another.
My attempt to get a picture with all the boys and the tree.
It was obviously not successful.
Damon wanted all of them together.
Kyler was beyond excited and is so ready for Christmas.
Before Kyler moved a lot of Damon's ornaments.
Just a funny shot of Radley hanging out one day!
Radley did not want to share with anyone, but I didn't get him his own.  Luckily he let me sneak a bite or two!
Everyone was happy about snow cones!
Kyler espeically!
Look at that face!
Yep, typical Damon!

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