Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving, But Mostly Cousin, Fun

These boys were so excited to go see their cousins, and they actually got to see ALL of them. It was fun and a whole lotta crazy having everyone together! There were 23 immediate family members there at all times, and it is only going to get bigger; two more babies are joining the family early next year!! The kids absolutely love it, and it is really fun to watch them have so much fun with their cousins.
Even though there were a lot of people in the house, I think this was the smallest Thanksgiving I have ever been to at the Keys' house! I'm not sure we even made it to 50 this year! The boys discovered that they love pumpkin pie! All the pies are on the pool table, and both Kyler and Damon would sneak pieces of pie all day! They kept asking for more the next two days too. I think Thanksgiving was a hit this year!

I loved how all of them sat here together, even if they were watching a movie!
All watching one iPad Mini, not even a big one!

They looked so small sitting at this big table and in big chairs.

He LOVED seeing all the lights.  He had to point and grunt at everything!
Ready for the ride
We went downtown again and rode the hayride to see Christmas lights and drink some hot chocolate.  Kyler did not understand HOT chocolate.  Kenney told him it was hot, but he took a big drink, screamed and spit it out.  It was pretty funny.  Damon took a big drink, made a face and spit it out quietly.  Kyler was still upset when we snapped this picture.
He was so cute on the trampoline.  He got tossed around and flipped and tripped, but he stayed out there with the big kids, most of the time!
I know this is gross, but I thought it summed up our days wiping noses constantly!
Waiting for family pictures.
Wild Boys
Crazy Boys!

Proof that, at some point, Radley did sleep while we were gone.  He had such a hard time throughout the whole weekend.  He learned how to climb out of the pack-n-play (without it being a fluke), so he refused to take naps.  He was just miserable, therefore Mom and Dad were pretty miserable too.  He was the first one up every morning (before 7am) and played hard/cried all day.  Lucky for us, now that we are home, he climbs out of his crib everyday too!!  So much to be thankful for (that's a joke, but really all of Thanksgiving break and now we're stuck with the consequences).
It was so fun to have Savanna's bridal shower while she was in Texas.  We all had a lot of fun and learned a lot about her and Kevin.  We are really excited for them to get married!
She got so many cute things; I want to have another bridal shower to get that kind of stuff again!
Kerry did a great job with planning the whole thing.  The food, invitations, etc. were all amazing!  I had fun making some of the decorations.  I was just glad Savanna seemed to be happy with all of it! (Thanks for the pictures Savanna.  I copied them from your Facebook)

These boys are getting a lot more crazy when they get together.  Damon got to the point that he would stop going for the ball and just push people down.  He was ridiculous!  I'm not sure there will be a house big enough for all these boys as they get older!

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