Monday, June 15, 2015

A Backyard!

The boys and I both have enjoyed playing in the backyard. It's not quite what we had hoped for because it has pieces of glass all over (someone had smashed a fish tank back there and left pieces of glass everywhere). There are also huge holes in the fence that Radley and Damon especially like to go through right on the corner of a busy street. However, it is really nice to have a place for the boys to get out that we don't have to drive to!!

They decided to play hockey one day.  They used basketballs and soccer balls for pucks and real sticks for hockey sticks, but they enjoyed it!  They also love being able to play outside without their shirts on.  They are Keys boys for sure!
They also sing songs and play 'music' and this metal vent that sticks up in the yard.

Kyler's spent one evening trying to hit a ball over the fence and get a home run. It was pretty windy outside and Kenney made him use a ball that would make it more difficult, but he got it!

Radley has been getting into dressing up and pretending with his brothers lately. It's pretty funny to watch him.

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