Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Keys Reunion

The Keys family reunion started while we were in Missouri, but we drove down to make it for Friday night and Saturday. The boys were crying in the car because they missed Oma and Papa Dude, but it was nice to be able to tell them that they were about to see all their cousins at Nana and Papa's house! We got there for movie/game night and, unfortunately, family pictures! The next day we went to the lake and let the kids play in the water and go out on the tube a few times. It was great to have everyone together and we missed those that weren't there! Maybe one day everyone will be together!!

Movie night was a huge success!!  The kids loved to eat popcorn and candy, watch movies, being able to staying up late and hanging out with cousins!  The adults played games, and for the most part, the kids left us alone!
He had a lot of fun with the sand and shovels.
These boys had a blast swimming, jumping off the boat, riding the tube and just being together!
It is so fun to watch them all play together (and get along)!!!
Daddy went with the boys on the tube this time.  It was fun like always!
Kyler's face, haha!!
Best picture I could get from far off!
Papa and Nana with all 16 of their grandkids.
Considering we had driven from Missouri that day and Daddy worked all day and drove in, I thought this was a pretty good picture!!
The grandkids, and yes, Radley doesn't have pants on!  It was a long day!
Keys Boys (missing Keyan)
Keys Kids (missing Savanna and Keyan)
This wasn't at the reunion, but I had to post this.  We lived in Idalou for 2 months without any internet connection.  We could occasionally pickup neighbors wi-fi that wasn't password protected so we would have to get in the weirdest and most uncomfortable positions to try and send emails or other things!  It was pretty funny.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Kyler's face in the tubing picture!! Hahaha oh my goodness that's so funny!
