Thursday, October 8, 2015

School Pictures & More

I haven't gotten the camera out much lately. I have been trying to get the house and everything as ready as possible before the baby comes so there hasn't been much going on lately worth blogging about. School helps to get us in a schedule and routine which is really nice, and the boys are doing really well! Damon even got the citizenship award in his class for kindness! We are really proud of him for being so good at school and being nice to everyone (we've talked about it a lot); now to get him to be like that at home...

Not the most authentic smile, but I think it's pretty successful for kindergarten!

The epitome of school pictures!!  Everyone that looks at this picture laughs; they don't just smile; they laugh!!  I LOVE it.  Kenney thinks it is the worst picture Damon has ever taken!  Either way, neither of us will ever forget this picture.

These two boys LOVE their big brother.  Every morning before school, they each have to give Kyler a hug and then go outside to wave goodbye.  If any of this routine is missed there are tears involved once they know Kyler is gone.

They have to watch him drive away down the street.  Usually they wave the whole time, but this time they just watched.  Then they stay outside for a little bit while they wave to other cars that drive by too.

I have no words for this picture!  They were showing Kenney their cars and this is the picture he snapped.  Between Damon flipping off the camera and Radley's face (with underwear on his head) I'm not sure I will ever get a good picture of these three boys!

Almost a normal picture. 

He's just too much sometimes!

Sorry for the bad pic (the camera on my phone is not working right), but we celebrated Nana's birthday with lots of cousins!


  1. You're right!! I'm dying from that picture! Hilarious!!!!

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