Wednesday, October 13, 2010

On the Move

He is up and going, well kind of. Kyler has decided that he wants to crawl, but has not quite figured out how to use his arms. He is a good army crawler when he really wants something you put in front of him. Lucky for me he is not completely mobile. He doesn't crawl from room to room, yet.

We took him to the doctor a couple weeks ago and found out that in the last two months he only gained 1 pound!! He's only in the 11th percentile for weight. Before you turn me in to CPS, the doctor said there is nothing to worry about. He's just an active little boy. I guess she noticed how much he moved while we were in her office! Now he has to eat at least 5-6 times per day, not including nursing. He eats breakfast, a snack, lunch, a snack, dinner, and another snack before bed. Kenney thinks he's finally gaining weight, but I think he is too active and has a metabolism like his daddy.

Oma, my mom, came for a visit too. For some reason we never remember to take pictures while she is here, but we had a great time. Kyler was spoiled rotten the entire time. We got to eat some good food, make really cute curtains, go shopping, visit my nanny, drink Diet Coke (yes, she gave Kyler his first taste of Diet Coke and Red Vines), and just relax around the house. She brought us lot of new things too (2 dressers, bed frame, TV, blower, weed-eater, 100ft extension cord, 2 drills, 2 saws, a huge bucket of nails, legos, books, lots of Kyler clothes, and food). Yes, she spoils all of us. Did I mention that we love her going to all these auctions?

Kyler loves when Daddy comes home

He loves being outside and watches every car that drives by
until Kenney's little pickup pulls in the driveway.


  1. Love the army crawl!! He's so cute! Enjoy this time because I bet he'll be crawling super fast and walking soon.

  2. Cute pics of Kyler. Thanks again for letting us stay with you guys. We had a lot of fun.

  3. oh my goodness those are such cute pictures of kyler!!
