Monday, March 5, 2012

First Haircut

We have known for a while that Damon has needed a haircut, but it is so hard to cut those cute long locks! (Plus the back of his head had super thin hair because he rubbed it all off, and I was afraid he would look bald if we cut his hair) I didn't want a bald baby. Well, we finally let Papa get the scissors going. And we no longer recognize our own baby! What do you think?

Crazy hair before the cutting began

He was loving having so much attention

He tried to watch everything that Papa was doing

Then he started to get nervous and would not stay still. He moved so much! I'm surprised he didn't cut.

It's getting shorter...

Doesn't he look so different?
I had one little boy from church ask me if I got a new baby! It was pretty funny.

Just to prove that he still has hair, Kenney took a picture of the top of his head. We knew the hair growing in was lighter than the hair he was born with, but we didn't expect it to be this light. He's almost a blond!

That cute little smile didn't change, thank goodness.

1 comment:

  1. having a bald baby is not so bad... he is a handsome boy with his hair cut and I am surprised to see that he looks so blonde!
