Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Last Summer Blast

The weekend we went to have Radley blessed, we had a blast with the family too! The boys had so much fun with their cousins and took advantage of every second. They stayed up way too late and never went to bed before 10pm!  We went swimming, played outside, went to the lake, all the kids ran around screaming pretty much at all times, and we just had a good time!! 

This is me trying to get things packed and ready.  I would like to say this is unusual behavior for Damon, but it's not!  We take a monkey with us everywhere we go.

Damon's face cracks me up in this picture.  It also really makes me nervous because I have no idea what he will do once he knows how to drive a 4-wheeler.

Cousins!! Tyce, Kyler, Luke, Damon and Brek  They all played so well together.  Damon of course was the most possessive so sharing was difficult, but he still had fun! 

When we went swimming, I told Kyler to blow some bubbles in the water, and this is what he did.  He blew on top of the water!  Not quite what I was thinking! 

Splish Splash! Kyler is not afraid of this pool any more!

Radley was happy to be there too!

Just too CUTE!

Damon got in the water to shoot baskets.

All of the cousins LOVED Radley.  They were all so good with him and gave him so much attention.  Damon was of course extremely possessive of Radley.  If anyone got too close to Radley and he happened to be paying attention, he would say, "My Radley, my Radley!"

This cutie just started cheezing away when I got the camera!

I'm telling you, they loved Radley.

Eww, sand

Kyler loves to splash his daddy!

These boys had so much fun together!

He always has to be throwing something.

Radley was not a fan of the wind, but he did really well considering.

Best Friends/Cousins

Damon got a pillow and blankets for himself and Radley.  He is very good about making sure Radley is not cold.

As usual the kids always wanted a movie on, but would only watch it for about 5 minutes before starting to play again then the rest of us watch the movie because, for some unknown reason, none of us turn it off!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't take a single picture while we were there! I'm going to have to post a link on my blog to yours! ;) You have such cute pictures of the kids. They had so much fun!
