Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Never a Dull Moment

Everyday holds a new adventure in our house. My boys constantly keep me on my toes and to be honest, entertained.  I am in constant awe at the amount of energy they have and I lack.  They never stop, and I always feel like I can't keep going.  I am also amazed that I can love these three, crazy, active, messy, needy boys so much!!

This is how we have been eating dinner lately.  Don't we have the cutest centerpiece?  Radley likes to be part of the action too. 

These boys do love each other, and I love it when they are sweet to one another.

Kyler and Damon have been really good about trying to help Radley when he gets upset.  The bring him toys and talk to him, if they are in the mood. 

I just love this little face!!

I'm not sure if you can see it, but there is toothpaste floating around in this water.  I have been trying to hide the toothpaste from the boys because they make a huge mess with it and try to eat it (Damon).  They can reach everywhere in the bathroom so I put it inside of a cup, on a towel rack that is hung really high in the shower.  So what do they do?  They throw a toy at the cup, knock it down, get the toothpaste and empty it in the bathtub?  Nice, huh?  So where do I put the toothpaste now?

Like brother, like brother!  Damon 'thinks' he can do everything Kyler does, and he tries to do it too!  Damon thinks that he is ready to be potty trained, but I don't think he is yet.  He constantly takes his diapers off (no matter what is inside), sits on the potty when Kyler does, and wants to wear underwear.  However, I am not ready to tackle that mountain yet.  He did just turn 2, 3 months ago.

Damon likes to try our shoes on, and he looks so funny because the shoes are as long as his legs!

Also, Damon doesn't like help to get dressed, and this day in particular he had his shirt on backwards and his shorts inside out and backwards!  Sometimes his is too independent, and it frustrates us both!

1 comment:

  1. I love hearing about your crazy wonderful life!! I am glad I am not the only one feeling like I lack a lot of energy!! Damon is hilarious sitting on the potty!! What craziness!
