Friday, July 18, 2014

Just Like the Big Boys

Radley thinks he is just as big as Kyler and Damon and that he can do anything they can do. He wants to be just like them in every way and will not be left out!! It is pretty cute to watch him try and do everything his big brothers do, but it's sad too because he is growing up so fast!!

He tries to ride the scooter any chance he gets.  He jumps at the chance as soon as the others walk away.

He is actually learning how to make it move which makes me really nervous.

He can barely see over the handlebars.

When friends come over, Radley wants to be right in the middle of everything.  He tries to play with the big boys!

He is also dressing up like superheros too!

The boys got out the dress up stuff and Radley had to be just like them!

I love how much he loves his brothers!

We went to go visit Daddy at school and bring him some dinner one evening, and Kyler wanted his picture taken on this bench.  Well, Radley decided to be just like him and climb up for his picture to be taken too!

And then Damon decided to get up there too and the odds of getting a good picture went out the window!

Radley loves to brush his teeth, mostly because Kyler and Damon brush their teeth. But he is not content with just holding the toothbrush, he has to go into the bathroom and try to get the toothbrush wet. He picked up all these things on his own. I never encouraged any of this! 

Usually Kenney or I will help Radley eat a Go-Gurt, but he now thinks he is big enough to do it without help. It was cute to see how excited he was to do it on his own!

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