Tuesday, August 5, 2014


The rest of July was spent playing with friends and going swimming any chance we had. Daddy finished up all his classes for his physical therapy program and now only has clinical rotations to do. He has done really well in school and has managed not to neglect his family with all the other responsibilities he has had. We are so proud of all his hard work!!

This little boy is officially a climber!  He loves to get up to the table and play with anything left hanging around on the table.  He can make quite a mess, really fast!!
Damon is getting much better about the water, thank goodness!!  He is pretty comfortable just floating around in the water now!
Kyler is a little fish.  He is also a splash monster.  He makes sure the entire family is soaked from head to toe!
He loves his goggles.
The boys like it so much better when Daddy comes with us to the pool.  One parent is then able to give them his or her full attention instead of having to watch Radley.
I have started to make Radley wear this Puddlejumper.  It doesn't fit him very well because he's not big enough for it, but it makes me feel better when I go by myself because he has absolutely no fear of the water.
When Daddy is around, there is always a water gun fight. 
They love to shoot anyone within range, especially Mom or Dad.
The Puddlejumper usually doesn't last very long because once it gets wet, it stretches out and then becomes way too big, and he can pull it off.
Radley loves to look for any animals that come around the pool.  I like it too because it distracts him away from the water!!  On a side note about that planter with flowers: For the first few weeks we went to the pool there were not any plants in it.  Damon would go squirt water into every time we went swimming.  When he noticed the flowers a few weeks later, he said, "Mom look I made the flowers grow!"  He was so excited because he actually thought by watering the dirt he made the flowers grow!  It was really cute!
These boys are loved by everyone.  One day at church, an older lady asked if the boys liked trains.  I told her they did, and she said she had a train set with a few trains to bring by for them.  Well she brought more than just a train set and a few trains.  She brought this cool jeep track set which is really cool, a table to put the 6 electronic trains she brought, puzzles and a few other things.  They don't even get that many toys for Christmas!!  They were really excited, and I was shocked!!
Damon is getting really good at the rock climbing wall at the museum. He gets pretty high and then just bails to the side and jumps down. I would never do that! He got a little higher right before I took the camera out, but you get the idea of how high he can get!

Radley is learning things really quick these days. We were at a friend's house one day and he walked right up to the baseball T and did this. We have never taught him how to use a baseball-T, but he figured it out watching everyone else. Not too bad for 13 months!

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