Friday, August 15, 2014

Damon's 3rd Birthday

This little guy turned 3 while we were in Montana. All three of the boys were able to spend their birthdays with extended family this year. I bet that won't happen again. Damon was really excited for his big day and has been talking about it for a while now. He knew he was going to be 3 and couldn't wait to blow out his candles. He got hot dogs for dinner, presents, ice cream and played outside with is new Nerf guns, so it was a great night!

He was having so much fun!!
Sometimes he can look so sweet and innocent.  He absolutely loved opening his presents.  He would never let anyone help him, and he got so excited for each one!  It was pretty funny, but Kyler was totally bummed he never got to help open anything.
He kept telling me he wanted white ice cream rather than a cake for his birthday, and we had planned on making an ice cream cake, but time got away from us.  Grandma, without my knowledge, decided to run to Baskin Robins to get him a cake there!  They had a special cone made for him with a 'D' on it.  She also got an ice cream cake, but I forgot to take a picture of it.
He loved having everyone sing Happy Birthday.
There were a couple attempts made to blow out the candles by Damon and Kyler, so it ended up being a great idea for Damon to have his own ice cream cone!
That's our Damon!

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