Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Finding Things To Do

The boys and I have been cooped up for too long! The windy wintery days are getting old for all of us. Since there hasn't been much to do, we have been making fun and getting creative (as much as possible for me. I'm not too creative). We will take any suggestions at this point. If we do leave the house the boys cry and complain when I tell them we are going home. They are desperate to stay away from our house, and honestly so am I. I used to be much more of a home body, but these boys are making me grow in a lot of areas!!
I don't think he remembers having bubbles in the bath.  He LOVED it.  He was laughing and playing so hard.  He usually likes to get out before the other two because they get a little wild for his taste, but he didn't want to get out!
He ate the bubbles and didn't care!
Kyler loved them too!
These two liked putting the bubbles on their face; Damon not so much, but he still had fun!
We really needed to get out of the house one day last week, so we went to Cabela's.  We don't have a big one here, but there were plenty of animals in there.  So we made one trip around the store looking at all of them, and then the boys found the pop guns.  We then made another trip around the store shooting all the animals.  All the older men in the store would laugh and put their hands in the air saying, "Don't shoot me."  It was pretty funny and entertained them for an hour!  I say it was time well spent.  Papa Dude also bought them the guns.  I'm not too sure how I feel about that, now that the guns have been in my house for a week!
Radley loves the camera these days!
The first deer they spotted they started shooting!
These boys have been such a pain to put to bed lately.  This particular night Damon came into our room for the 100th time, and we just ignored him.  About 5 mins later I heard deep breathing and found him like this.  He was using my sweatshirt as a sleeping bag!

Damon was trying to turn the light on in the kitchen one evening.  He thought the best way to do that was to climb up the door jam.  He got close several times, but the best part was him trying to get a tiny cardboard box (I think it was an empty oatmeal box) that was broken to use as a step!  It was really funny watching him!

Kyler has been telling us he has magic eyes.  Basically he has learned how to cross his eyes (not very successfully) and can see two of the same thing.  He thinks he's magic now!

These are just some silly pictures of Kyler and his cousin Avery that her mom sent me the other day. They were having a lot of fun taking pictures of themselves. I think I remember them taking a lot of videos too!

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