Monday, August 31, 2015

First Day of School

These boys LOVE school! Kyler was so excited for his first day and was ready to leave 20 mins before he needed to be there!  They both got really anxious when we met their teachers the Friday before school started and couldn't wait to go.  Kyler learned that his teacher's first name was Shandi and he also had a kid named Logan in his class (he has an aunt named Shandi and an uncle named Logan)!  Damon was nervous, but excited.  He was upset when he couldn't go in the morning (he goes from 12:30-3:30) and asked to eat lunch at 9:00, because I told him he could go to school after we ate lunch.  They both wanted Daddy to take them to school so there were no tears from me or them, and when asked after school if they missed me, they both said, "No!"  I wasn't surprised one bit!!  I didn't know if Damon would like it after the first day, but he has asked to go to school everyday.  I take that as a very good sign because I was really unsure about sending him or not.  I finally decided to just do it, and I think it was the best decision!!  He really likes going, and it's good for him. 

I can't believe how old and big he is looking!!  He is definitely not my baby anymore!
His teacher adores him (thankfully)!  He wore blue shirts and shorts everyday the first week and everything he brought home was colored with blue!!  He is holding a letter his teacher sent him in the mail, and he loves it.  I'm glad he has such a good teacher!
Getting so tall!! 
Poor little Radley has had quite the adjustment.  He is getting used to this new routine, but he doesn't like to be left out.  He wears his backpack frequently and has cried a time or two when Damon left, but he is adjusting well.  It's really nice for me right now because Radley sleeps most of the time that Damon is at school; I can actually make a phone call without interruptions!

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