Saturday, November 7, 2015

Kyler's Boxcar

This last week at school, the kindergartners were doing a unit on transportation. The teachers gave us a few weeks to work on a project and make a boxcar for Kyler to parade in at the school and at the pep rally. I was very grateful that Daddy was around because they worked on this project together! Yay for Dads!! Kenney added a few extra accessories and we thought it was a pretty spiffy little car. However it was insane how much effort some of these parents put forth for these cars!! There were lights and music and all kinds of accessories! Were were blown away. Thank goodness Kenney did put some extra thought into his car.

Testing it out at home.  They added a few extra things after this, but we thought it looked pretty good!
I don't think Kyler knew we were coming to the parade at the school, so he was super excited when he saw us (Daddy was even able to come)!  There were a lot of bat mobiles, but Kyler's was the only Ironman.
One of the best smiles I've gotten in a while.
Kyler's turn on stage.
I think he had a lot of fun with this!  Next year Damon will enjoy this because he loves cars and was super excited about Kyler's.
This kid had a full on jet!!  It was huge!  This picture is not great because Radley was helping me take it, but it was crazy how big and detailed it was.
Walking through the pep rally.
That's a lot of little box cars!
This is Damon during the pep rallies.  It's hard to point out where he is, but he is the one kid sitting down the entire pep rally.  I think there is just too much going on and too many people he doesn't know.  His teacher tries and tires to get him involved, but he refuses! 


  1. Wow! I am totally impressed. Way to go, Kyler! P.S. Damon sitting during the pep rally reminds me of a certain someone I know...

  2. Wow! I am totally impressed. Way to go, Kyler! P.S. Damon sitting during the pep rally reminds me of a certain someone I know...
