Thursday, December 19, 2019

Christmas Activities

Christmas time is always PACKED with one activity after another. It's hard to keep up. We had a movie at the movie theater and class parties and reading parties and work and church parties and so much more. We didn't take many pictures at these events, but they did happen. The kids all sat with their friends at the movie theater which was really weird. They left Kenney and I just sitting with Mackenzie. It was a fun night until the movie wouldn't work! The hospital party was a family affair this year. We all went and came home with an Echo dot (we didn't tell the kids because Kyler was getting one for Christmas). The church party had a hay ride, but we had sick kids. Kenney went to the Christmas sing at the school because I took the girls to a dental appointment with me and then to the doctors office. We were supposed to get the girls shots, but they both had fevers so we couldn't get the shots. Poor Mackenzie felt pretty bad for a few days, but she mostly just had a fever and yucky nose. Thankfully she was better before the 'real' Christmas stuff began.

Hay ride around the park to see the Christmas lights at the church Christmas party.
Drink hot chocolate on the ride.
1st grade kids (Radley's class)
Damon with the 3rd graders
Kyler and the 4th graders

Radley and his class singing 

Damon's class singing Deck the Hall, but you have to watch the kid behind Damon (in the black tie) and see him cue the kids to start singing again. It's pretty funny. 

Kyler's class singing the slowest version of Feliz Navidad.

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