Saturday, June 27, 2020


Kyler wanted to learn about and explore China because he looked it up and found out ice cream comes from China. Chinese ice cream is very very different, but we went with China and American ice cream! I ordered some chopsticks to play with and learn how to use for dinner. I knew chopsticks were going to be difficult for all of us so we started out by watching a YouTube video on how to use them. Then I had them race to see who could pick up the most items in a bowl. It was a lot of fun. They even made me do it! We made Chinese lanterns while dinner cooked. Papa Dude shared pictures and stories from his trip to China. The kids, especially Bentley, are now afraid to ever go to China because of the public restrooms there, haha!! He showed us the food he ate and places he saw. They really had a good time talking to him and learning about the Chinese culture. We choose to eat sweet and sour chicken (totally an American thing, but there was no way I even knew how to get ingredients, let along cook authentic Chinese cuisine). While we ate dinner using chopsticks, we listened to authentic Chinese music. For dessert we ate ice cream, obviously!

They were concentrating really hard picking up those raisins!

They didn't listen to the YouTube video and chose to use two hands instead of one.
They also made us use bowl for dinner because Papa Dude told them they used bowls in China.
"Mom look!  I picked it up!"
Ready for our Chinese dinner.
"I got one too!"
It might not look super appealing, but it was really good!
Chinese Lanterns
She was so cute with her chopsticks and was a really good sport!

We started off with beans, I suggested using something different first, but they insisted on doing beans first. Bentley was frustrated at first, but she made the most of it. 

We did cereal next which was a lot easier to hang on to than uncooked beans.

The raisins proved to be the easiest. I like Bentley's methods of shovling and poking!!

The kids all wanted me in on the action too!

She didn't just give up and say she couldn't do it, she found a way to be successful. It was really fun to watch!

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