Thursday, May 30, 2024

Baseball 2024 (Kyler, Radley, & Mackenzie)

 This year Radley and Mackenzie were the only kids that wanted to play baseball.  Kyler ended up being a semi-permanent sub on one of the senior league teams.  They all played really well and had fun.  Kyler surprised himself with how well he was able to play.  Radley played very solidly every game no matter the position his coach had him, and Mackenzie LOVED having her dad as her coach! She did really well for her first year of t-ball.  I was glad the season was over because I will never be in charge of the concession stand again!

Ready to swing!
As usual all the kids loved Kenney.

This is one of the best hits I got recorded. The first couple games and last game were her best. She hit a rough patch for hitting in the middle of the season.

She never missed that high-5 coming into home plate.

T-ball is not always the most entertaining sport to play when you aren't in the right position. She kept herself busy though, haha!

This kid loves to hit almost as much as he loves to slide!!

There were multiple games that he only walked one batter. He was a very accurate pitcher. However, that came to hurt him in the last game because one kid got a home run off him, another got an amazing outfield hit, and another kid that never hit the ball just stuck the bat out, basically, and Radley pitched it right down the middle and he got on base. He did really, really well pitching this year. Now he's going to learn how to move the pitch around.

I missed the hit, but I got the best part, haha!!

It was very rare that he didn't make it all the way around!

He's a quick little guy! And this is his first year in this division. He'll get to play one more year on this field.

See? The kid loves to slide!!

This is the only picture I got from Kyler's games, and it was an accident because I was recording the hit.  I was in the concession stand for all of them.  I'll try and do better next year.

Kenney got a lot of good videos too! He was super excited for Kyler.

He hit the ball almost every time he was up to bat. It was great to see!

This ball was hit so high that if the wind wasn't blowing against it, there is no way it wouldn't have gone over the fence!!

This one was super high too! Sorry for the annoying yelling.

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