Monday, June 16, 2014

Summer Has Begun...

Summer is in full swing around our house!! The boys love going to parks and swimming. I try and get them out at lease 3 to 4 times a week, but even that is hard. We try to make it out in the mornings when it is cooler, and we can all stand to be outside longer than 20 minutes. We have actually had pretty mild weather for June and some rain so being outside hasn't been too bad! Kyler and Damon now request parks around town by their color. So we went to the blue park which happens to be my favorite because there are no swings or rocks/dirt.
We have also had the chance to go swimming a couple times this month too. Radley had never been in any water besides a bath, because he was just too little last year. So I wasn't quite sure how he was going to take it, but he had a BLAST!! He wasn't nervous or scared and loved to splash. Damon of course made us nervous, but when I took them without Kenney I told him I would take him home if he took his floaties off. Thank goodness he believed me (and I was totally serious. I would have left for sure) because he kept them on! All 3 of the boys are loving the water which makes it a lot of fun!
This little guy thinks that he can do anything his big brothers can do, and he sure does try!

Who can't love this face?!?

Just hanging out!

This daredevil makes me nervous everyday!  I am still amazed at the things he tries, and then tries again after he gets hurt.

Doesn't everyone stop mid-slide to stand and cheer?

Kyler and Damon take turns giving Radley rides down the slide, and they love it and fight over it!

Radley makes all the other moms at the park really nervous because he tires to climb up the slide like Kyler and Damon.  I guess Damon has made me much more relaxed in these situations.  After all, Damon is still alive right?!?

Damon gives quite a wild ride, go figure!

The new thing lately is to fight over who gets to be the leader!  Apparently Damon won this one!

I didn't get many pictures because I was worried about keeping Damon alive, but this little boy LOVES the pool. 

Kyler walked up to me one day telling me his telling me his tummy was hungry and then pulled up his shirt and started doing this...

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