Monday, February 9, 2015

Dental Fair & More

There hasn't been a lot going on lately, but we have managed to find a few things to do, especially since the weather has been getting nicer. We found out a frozen yogurt place in town was giving free yogurt one day, so a lot of our friends got together to go get some! The boys loved that because they each got to pick out what they wanted. We also went to a dental fair with a lot of activities for the boys. They like to get prizes and candy!!

Kyler got chocolate frozen yogurt (his favorite) with green worms and sprinkled chocolate chips.  Damon got vanilla with 2 different kinds of gummy worms.  And I got Radley vanilla with gummy bears (hoping for the least mess without disappointing him)!
All the kiddos eating their treats!
Radley and his friend Olivia.  These two ate everything in their bowls (Radley even drank the melted yogurt) and then went searching for more!!
They had face painting at the Dental Fair, and Kyler has been asking for months to get his face painted.  He was really nervous when it came down to it, but he was so excited when it was done! 
One red faced Spiderman!!  His face had a slight pink tint after we wiped it all off!
Damon trying to win a prize.
Radley was not going to be left out of anything.  He tried every game!
He even had to spin the big wheel!
The boys met the toothfairy.  I thought for sure Damon would easily take his picture with her, but all of them were pretty hesitant to get close!  Damon's expression cracks me up!!
These boys had some fun with cheese sticks.
"Look Mom cheese!"
Radley had to see what all the fuss was about too!
This just melts my heart!  Isn't Radley so sweet holding his scriptures!  He had to carry them into church and the whole time we were there!  He's getting so big!
Radley also does front flips really well now!  The flip is often a dance move when he starts dancing.

I love getting kisses from all my boys, but Radley is especially cute about it these days. It is so funny how he has to kiss both of my cheeks and turns my head to make sure he gets them both!

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