Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The ER and the Dentist in 24 hrs!

Well about 4:00 yesterday afternoon, Damon came up to me and said, "Mom there's a popcorn seed in my nose." Lovely! Damon had stuck a popcorn kernel up his nose! So I had Kyler come hold a flashlight while I tried to fish the kernel out. Damon was not about to let me fish it out using any kind of tool. So I call my mom and Papa Dude for some advice (they didn't have much experience in this department because girls don't do this kind of stuff!) We tried all kinds of things to get Damon to blow his nose and push it out that way. I tried to tickle him and cover his mouth and one nostril, which was extremely difficult and unsuccessful! Needless to say, we didn't get very far. I called the doctors office and they said I could wail until Kenney got home to see if we could get it out together. If we couldn't there was an after-hours clinic we could take him to.

Well once Kenney got home and we tried even more things including trying to make him sneeze, we couldn't get it. We dropped Kyler and Radley off at a friend's house (lifesavers!!) and headed to the after-hours clinic by 6:40 . We waited for 40 mins before the doctor finally saw us. She didn't have many tools in the clinic and decided to try and use nasal saline to flush it out. There wasn't enough pressure built up to push it out, so she sent us to the ER because they had better tools. The wait took FOREVER in the emergency room, and Damon would not sit still! He constantly needed or wanted something. He was crawling on the floor, pushing his car all over the place, putting his mouth all over the drinking fountain, etc.

 At 10:30 they finally called us back to an exam room. Damon found a new place to explore and touch everything in site! He knew how that hospital bed worked within 10 mins of walking in the room! Around 11:15 the doctor came in the room. She took a foley catheter, stuck it up past the kernel, blew up the balloon that is part of the catheter and pulled. The kernel popped right out! Took less than 5 mins from the time the doctor walked in the room til the kernel was out!! The nurse gave us discharge papers and told us all she could say for treatment was to not put stuff in your nose! I think we got that message (hopefully Damon did, but I'm not too sure)! By 11:30 we walked out of the ER and went to pickup the other boys. Finally, at 12:00am we made it home!!

I thought our troubles with Damon were over... However, we were planning on going to the science museum the next morning around 10:30, but I wanted to look at something really quick at Target right before. The boys were running around and being crazy, and I told them they needed to settle down or we would have to leave and go home. Not 1 minute later, I was looking at something on the end of the isle, and Damon starts screaming. They were spinning in circles, and he hit the display shelf. He grabbed his mouth so I knew he hit it somehow. I go over to him and there is blood everywhere. He continues to scream and wipe blood all over his hands and up his sleeves. I try to go to the bathroom to see how bad it was and to try and clean up some of the blood. From what I could see he cut his gums, busted his lips and slightly loosened his tooth. We make it to the car where I called the dentist. He of course already had all of his emergency spots filled up except for 4:00!! They told me to try and put a cool compress on his mouth until he could be seen. Yeah Damon wasn't about to let that happen.

So we got home and settled down. I tried to get them to eat lunch early and take a nap. I knew we had all had a long night, and no one slept in of course, so I thought it would be better for everyone if we all took a nap! I set the mood perfectly for Damon to take a nap. However he wouldn't fall asleep!! Go figure! So we headed to the dentist tired and cranky! Walking into the office Damon trips and scrapes his knee so he's screaming before we even get into the office! Thankfully we got back pretty quick and the dentist said to just watch it, rub some antibiotic rinse on the tooth and make sure there isn't any infection or discoloring of the tooth! Phew!

I am hoping tomorrow we don't have to go see the eye doctor or any other medical professional!!

This kid is just too much!
He was happy as could be once we got into the examination room.
And there you have it, one popcorn kernel!  Small enough to get in the nostril, but big enough to get stuck!
He was so tired by the time we got home, this is how Kenney had to carry him in from the car.
Don't spin in circles in the store and jam your face into the display shelves because this is what happens!
His lip doesn't look too big here, but trust me, it's swollen!

This is Damon in the exam room and explaining what happened and why we were there.

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